What’s Up at Arbour Lake in November


Lake Fees

Your invoice for your annual lake fee should have arrived in your mailbox for the 2022 year. If you have not received your invoice, contact the lake office for a copy. Please be advised that this fee is mandatory, and you cannot opt out of paying it. Fees are due on January 1. Fees can be paid at the lake office by cash, cheque, debit, Visa, or Mastercard (there will not be additional charges if you pay by credit card). You can also pay through your online banking using your external reference number, noted on your invoice.

Lake Hours

The lake will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday for November. Lake hours will be extended again in December once we open for skating and ice fishing. Watch our website, social media, or contact the lake office for updates on lake hours.

Thin Ice

The lake should hopefully start to freeze over in November but please remember the ice will be extremely thin and dangerous! Stay off the ice and all docks when the red flags are up. The red flags will be removed once it is safe, and we open for skating season!

When is the Lake Ready for Skating?

  • No one will be allowed on the ice surface until an ice depth of 10” has been observed in our test locations. This will be on natural ice only (not resurfaced by the Olympia Zamboni).
  • The Arbour Lake Olympia will not be put onto the ice until a depth of 15” has been observed in our test locations. Skaters will have to skate on the natural ice between depths of 10” to 15”.

What Do the Flags Mean?

  • Red flag = Full closure. Stay far away from the ice.
  • Yellow flag = Partial closure. Contact the lake office or check the website for updates.
  • Green flag = Open for all winter activities.

Check www.arbourlake.com, or Arbour Lake Residents Association on Facebook and Instagram @arbourlakeresidents for updates on lake conditions.