Banff Trail’s Eco-Message for July


Doesn’t every lady have a collection of nail polish with a myriad of different colours to choose from? However, many people do not know that nail polish (and nail polish remover) is considered a household hazardous waste, like paint. These are very dangerous to put in your garbage since they are flammable and contain toxic chemicals. So, what to do with dried out old nail polish or colours we are no longer interested in?

• Donate bottles if they still have a useable amount, programs like the Buy Nothing Project are great for this. More details of the Buy Nothing Project in this issue.

• Use clear nail polish on your shoelaces to keep the threads from fraying or unravelling.

• Paint or repair scratched items in your home with coloured nail polish (shoes, etc.).

• Mix old nail polish colours together to creatively design a new customized colour.

• If these do not work, please safely dispose your nail polish and nail polish remover for free at a designated fire hall or a City of Calgary landfill “Throw n’ Go” area.

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