Beddington’s Message from the Board for December

Beddington mb

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

A new year is almost upon us! Our small-but-mighty Board of Directors has been doing its best to serve residents of Beddington. All in all, even scaled back due to COVID restrictions, it has been a very active year:

  • We were sorry to say goodbye when our long-serving President, Jessica Martin moved away, but our Vice-President, Jenn Curley cheerfully stepped in. Mary Urquhart and Alicia Ta left us after many years of service, but new Board members are being welcomed.
  • Our Community Association proudly supports the fun and caring programs offered by the Before and After School program.
  • The Beddington Book Club still meets monthly, but on Zoom.
  • The Reimagine Committee held activities in or for our outdoor spaces: Beddington Bingo, *Earth Day Clean-Up, *Scavenger Hunt, and the *Fall Open Houses (*supported by a generous TD Park People grant).
  • Our Treasurer, Melisa Tan created and delivered well over a hundred Summer Activity Kits for youth.
  • Our Community Garden Committee has been “plotting” – and more – to prepare for a Spring 2022 build.

We can always use more community-minded individuals to help with projects and events to build our community and make Beddington a more vibrant place to live. If you have two to three hours to give each month, consider joining our Board of Directors or taking on a volunteer role. With more help we can do even more.

*Help Wanted: We have a critical need for a Casino Manager. Our fundraising Casino is scheduled for March 4 and 5, 2022.

Peace and joy to all.