Beddington’s Message from the Board for January

Beddington mb

My sincere thanks to everyone who participated in November’s Annual General Meeting, and all those willing to stand again, some in new roles. Special thanks to Alicia Ta, Bonnie Ugaddan, and Heather Gibbons, our City of Calgary Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator, who helped us navigate (so well!) our Zoom AGM.

After the AGM, we find ourselves short one Secretary, which is a critical role for our Board. In addition, our Bylaws significantly restrict what we are allowed to do without one more Board member. For example, we cannot vote on motions. Please step forward if you can help us! If being Secretary isn’t your cup of tea, we can use new Members at Large, who participate in Board meetings and decisions, and help with activities as they can.

As you turn your calendar pages, don’t forget to check the BHCA Calendar to find out what’s happening close to home that could be of interest to you.

Especially, note that BHCA has landed terrific days for our fundraising casino: Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5. Nothing adds more to the community financially than volunteering for a shift. If you’ve never volunteered at a casino before, it’s fun! Advisors are there to help us every step of the way, and you’ll be working side-by-side with other neighbours. Register online or get in touch with us by email or telephone. We are still seeking a Casino Coordinator, another critical role for BHCA that is busy, but only for a very short duration.

To sum up, we have lots on the go, and hope to see many raised hands to volunteer.

Jennifer Curley
