Beddington’s October Before and After School Program Update


October came fast this year here at BASP! September flew by as we were getting to know new faces and families as well as getting back into a routine for our staff and returning families. We are excited to be back and look forward to continuing to grow these relationships.

We are so excited about all the fun things that October brings – Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the changing of the leaves and seasons! We are looking forward to our annual Halloween Party where our program gets together to enjoy all of the fun Halloween themed activities! It’s always exciting to see which activity is the favourite.

Our kindergarten program is full again this year, and we have spent September learning about all of the kids and families we have in the program. September is always such an exciting time for them! It’s always filled with new and exciting experiences! We look forward to watching this kindergarten group throughout the year.

In Program 1 and 2 we are focusing on our accreditation goals, starting this month. We look forward to watching the program grow and evolve throughout the year.

Have a great October, a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a happy Halloween!