Reimagine Beddington – February


“Goal Minus Plan Equals Dream”

What’s a new year without resolutions? The Reimagine Beddington committee was created to enhance open spaces for our residents: Our parks, playgrounds, pathways, and fields. More than ever through COVID, we experience how these contribute to our well-being. We have exciting projects in various stages of completion. If you can help us in one project, that much more will be achieved. Email [email protected] and we’ll connect you with the project leader – or Zoom you into our monthly meetings. Here’s what is underway.

Beddington’s Butterflyway: Our goal for 2021: To expand our efforts in helping pollinators. Connect with our Butterflyway community, a fun way to learn about biodiversity, pollinators, and gardening, while meeting kindred spirits in the neighbourhood. You’ll chase away the winter blues while planning your garden next year. In easy steps, we can all aid our Beddington ecosystem.

An exciting development: The David Suzuki Foundation has provided 24 packages for the over-winter cold stratification of native wildflower seeds to be used in our community in 2021 as a pilot project currently being tested in Montreal, Toronto, and… Calgary, thanks to our hard work and participation in the coast-to-coast Butterflyway!

Naturalization: We are working with the City to add a naturalized area to one of our fields.

Citizens and Students: Our team will soon be working with graduate students from the University of Calgary School of Architecture Planning and Landscape! Their expertise will add so much.

Three Parks Project: In September 2019, several residents, along with City and other park experts, visited three typical Beddington playground parks. They are all within a short distance of each other and with identical amenities. How can we transform these parks to add variety and more activities to attract users of all ages? Many fascinating ideas were shared during our “Three Parks Walk.” With so many other projects last year, this one was put aside. With playground equipment in numerous Beddington parks aging, this is moving to a front burner.

Vivo Play Hub, Beacham Close: Serendipity! One of the three parks visited was selected by Vivo for their Play Hub. It was installed just as strict COVID restrictions came into effect. We can’t wait until it’s safe to reopen and welcome people to come and play!

Community Garden: Our goal is to get people gardening early this summer. Planners needed!