2018 Richard and Louise Guy Lecture


Dear Brentwood residents (and others!),

We hope to see you at the 13th Richard & Louise Guy lecture at 17:00 on Thursday, October 11 in the MacEwan Hall Ballroom at the University of Calgary. This is a Town & Gown, Arts & Science, Age & Youth, Amateur & Professional event.

We believe that Math is fun and available to everyone!

The title of the lecture is, “How to Bake a Pi”, and will be given by Eugenia Cheng. Try googling her name – Pianist, Cook, Author, Professor of Mathematics… you won’t believe that this is just one person!!

To be sure you get a seat please register at math.ucalgary.ca. There is no cost to attend the lecture.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Richard Guy, Professor of Math, U of C.