Brentwood’s July Editor’s Scribblings


Dear Brentwoodians,

It can be difficult trying to write a timely editorial when my deadline is a full month before the Bugle is delivered to your mailboxes; sometimes the pressing issue of the day feels like ancient history by the time the newsletter makes it into the hands of readers. But even keeping this in mind, it is impossible not to talk about the protests against excessive use of force by police that are sweeping the USA and Canada in the wake of the murder of George Floyd – and other high-profile cases of racism and violence towards Canadians and Americans who are Black, Indigenous, or members of another minority group. Even if the news cycle has moved on to some other story by July, it is still worth raising this issue in the context of our own neighbourhood. Calgarians, and Canadians as a whole, can sometimes be caught patting ourselves on the back for having avoided many of the social problems that plague our southern neighbours – but racism has a long history in this country and still raises its ugly head all too frequently.

Whether it is Stampeders legend Jon Cornish reporting harassment while out walking the laneways near his home in Triwood, or the appearance of racist graffiti in Brentwood, there are plenty of reminders that far too many people in our community and beyond remain prejudiced toward people based on the colour of their skin, their cultural heritage, the way they speak, or how they build their lives and families. As a member of the privileged majority, when I wonder what can be done to help people like this change their viewpoints, I try to remember that being “non-racist” is not enough; in order to create positive change in our neighbourhood, city, and country, I need to become anti-racist. This means more than simply not using racial slurs, or discriminating against people: it means calling out racism when we encounter it, even if that means an uncomfortable interaction with a friend or family member; and it means keeping in mind the advantages I have had in my life that are denied to many of my fellow Canadians.

I support all those who are taking to the streets and calling for a more just and peaceful society for every Canadian.

Brentwood Cares

The Brentwood community continues to help neighbours – near or far – through the “Brentwood Cares” initiative. Volunteers are cutting grass, delivering food, and looking after people who for whatever reason need an extra helping hand right now. If you know someone, within our community or elsewhere, who needs help – or if you can offer time and energy, please see the notice in this issue and get in touch!

Photo Contest

The Bugle is looking for Brentwood’s best amateur photographers to provide cover images each month. If you have a great snap of our neighbourhood saved on your phone or posted on your social media feed, send it in for a chance to be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue! Photos must be 300 DPI or higher (i.e. from a newer model phone or good digital camera), 6.3 x 8.2 inches minimum size, and portrait orientation. If submitting pictures of minors, please make sure that you have direct, express permission to submit the picture from a parent or guardian. Send your photos, or any questions, to [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Jucker, Editor

Brentwood Bugle