Citadel’s President’s Message for September


Well, it’s been a hot, fun summer and now the kids are going back to school. I can’t believe how quickly summer flew by!

Our September will continue to be busy. We’re starting up a Stich & Chat group in Citadel. This group will meet Tuesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, starting on September 5, at the Citadel hall. So, if you have an interest in knitting, crocheting, or stitching, please come out and join this social group and if you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Other September events include a Used Book Sale on September 15 and a Thanksgiving Centerpiece Workshop on October 5. You can learn more about these events at

We have had some turnover on our board and we are seeking a sports director, volunteer coordinator, and treasurer. If you are looking to meet some new people and are committed to keeping Citadel a great place to live, please contact [email protected].

Lastly, I want to remind you that the Citadel Community Association Hall is available to rent. If you are looking for a venue for a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas party, complete the rental request form on the website:

Stephanie Christensen, CCA President

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