Crescent Heights’ December Report from the President

Presidents Message Crescent Heights

by Kirsty Blair, CHCA Board of Directors

This is already the final 2018 issue of the Crescent Heights View! The year has flown by. Our community association is almost completely up to date on our financials, which means we are in a position to receive funds to make some upgrades to our hall (THANK YOU, ISABELLE JANKOVIC!). We have hosted a variety of events this year including new happenings like Village Days and the Full Moon Party as well as classic events like our always successful Stampede Breakfast. We have a new mural, the first in Calgary with an augmented reality feature, and we will soon see colorful bike racks along Centre Street.

Our association continues with many of the foundational volunteers who have supported us for many years and we have also seen a number of new volunteers join us. This fall we said goodbye for now to our amazing special events director Lisa Dare and we welcomed new directors Jason Heisler and James Lam. We also welcome three new coordinators: Jacquie Poherelic for memberships, Iryna Leonova for volunteers, and Catherine Dowdell for the garden.

Our vision is that the community association offer a platform for Crescent Heights residents to create the community they want to live in. If you have an idea to add to what you are seeing please get in touch.

I look forward to our holiday party and market on Sunday, December 9. Take care everyone and enjoy what remains of 2018.