Crescent Heights’ President’s Message for December


by Dennis Marr, CHCA Board of Directors

Hello Crescent Heights,

Some of the Board’s ongoing projects from last year are:

  • Developing Goose and Bear Hill Park at fourth Avenue and Edmonton Trail to provide another attractive location in Crescent Heights where you can relax
  • Establishing bee friendly planters on McHugh Bluff
  • Making our community more mobile-friendly and safe for walkers, bikers, and disabled pedestrians
  • Continuing our mini-galleries exhibitions in Rotary Park which, by the way, the City has copied and is taking to other communities
  • Hopefully, bringing you last year’s highly supported Stampede Breakfast, concerts in the park, Night Market, and well-maintained outdoor rink.

Over the next few months, I’ll keep you updated on other Board projects/activities.

It is exciting to have some very capable new Directors join the Board this year. Unfortunately, our secretary, Chris McCrea, has resigned. Please consider joining our Board as Secretary. Your primary requirement is to record the minutes at our meetings and administer our Google Drive/Gmail system. We can help you get up to speed with the administration part if you are unfamiliar with Google Drive/Gmail.

We also need an assistant Treasurer. Please email me if interested.

On behalf of the Board, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season.

If you wish to help our community as a volunteer or Director, just email me at [email protected]. Youth and diversity are highly desired. Hope to see you around.