Crescent Heights’ President’s Message for February

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by Dennis Marr, CHCA Board of Directors

Hello Crescent Heights!

In order to meet the deadlines for publication in this View, our articles had to be submitted by early January. That means that I cannot report to you at this time on our busy January.

Thanks to Harmeet Kathuria joining our Board, all the necessary positions are filled. This leaves one Director position open for a role that can be self-defined.

Thus far, we have been pleasantly surprised at the robust response for donations for our doggy fountain in Rotary Park. To donate, just go to our website and click donate.

We are in the process of seeking funding to improve our heavily used rink. If received, significant enhancements will be undertaken. If successful with the finances, an update on this project will follow in the months to come.

Again, depending on funding, we plan to upgrade the furnace-HVAC system in our Hall. Keeping our Hall in top shape for the community’s use and to attract renters is a must. Thankfully, there are government grant sources for Hall maintenance, providing we pay a percentage of the overall cost.

If you wish to help our community as a volunteer or Director, just email me at [email protected]. Youth and diversity are highly desired. Hope to see you around.