Crescent Heights’ President’s Report for March 2023

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Hello Crescent Heights!

Kind of an upside-down winter – warm weather and little snow, at least up to February 1.

I thought you would enjoy knowing what your Board has on the go right now.

• The rink and community hall are running just fine.

• The Traffic-Mobility team is monitoring the status of the Green Line, Crescent Road and, Unite the Heights projects, as well as safety and mobility issues in Crescent Heights.

• Our community garden registration is open.

• Our Community Partnerships director is meeting with groups such as the BIA and Crescent Heights High to enhance a sense of belonging and connectiveness for our residents.

• Stampede Breakfast planning has started.

• Meetings with residents to probe their interests have started.

• Our vibrant mini-galleries in Rotary Park has scheduled artists for 2023.

• The planning committee continues to respond to DPs and other land development issues.

• Our Parks Director is pushing forward with a major upgrade to our rink, a dog and human fountain in Rotary Park, the development of Goose & Bear Park overlooking Edmonton Trail, as well as contemplating a second annual Night Market and Concert in the Park.

• Our Climate and Sustainability Director is searching for projects that can be done within our budget and human resource limitations.

• Our Engagement Director is percolating with ideas such as a community run.

• The Communications team keeps this View running, meets publishing deadlines, and plants us firmly in the electronic world with the excellent regular E-Blasts. To be current with Crescent Heights activities, you must sign up for our E-Blasts.

• Behind the scenes our conscientious Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary keep the trains running on time.

• Our Membership Director is percolating with ideas to increase membership. We need memberships to comply with the Societies Act which regulates our existence.

I know many activities have been missed, but hopefully you got the big picture.

If you wish to help our community as a volunteer or Director, just email me at [email protected]. Youth and diversity are highly desired. Hope to see you around.

Dennis Marr, CHCA Board of Directors