Evanston Proposed Off Leash Area


Evanston Proposed Off-Leash Area

The City of Calgary has received multiple requests for off-leash space in NW communities, including Evanston. An analysis of available spaces in those communities was completed, and an area in Evanston was identified as a potentially suitable location.

The City of Calgary hosted an information session on May 14th to gather feedback and gauge the level of community support to designate that space as an off-leash area. Citizens also had the opportunity to provide online feedback at engage.calgary.ca between May 14th and May 28th. Thank you to everyone for participating and providing valuable input.

Public Input Results

Most respondents supported an off-leash designation, the complete summary can be found at engage.calgary.ca.


The City of Calgary Parks has carefully reviewed the engagement feedback and input from stakeholders and will proceed with a pilot project designating the green space as off-leash. The pilot project will begin December 01, 2018 and end November 30, 2019. The off-leash area will include signage that indicates it is a pilot project, and garbage bins on-site.

Pilot Assessment

The pilot project will be monitored and assessed for responsible pet ownership and use, including the removal of pet waste, pet control, parking violations, citizen complaints and 311 calls. The pilot project will be reviewed in the late fall of 2019 to determine if the off-leash designation will remain

The proposed off-leash area is located east of Symons Valley Parkway N.W., between Evansford Circle N.W. and Evansford Grove N.W.