Highland Park’s July Planning and Development Report

Highland cn

by D. Jeanne Kimber, [email protected]

The Green Line LRT Update Stage 1 will be heard by Council on June 15 and 16. The current proposal for Stage 1 of the Green Line constructions is to build it from the southeast, through downtown, across the Bow River via a bridge, and partway up Centre Street to 16th Ave N. Some of the Councillors have come out in support of a recently floated idea to build only the south leg of the Green Line into downtown. The bridge over the river and carrying the line up to the north end of the city would then be left to an unknown and unspecified future. The Highland Park Community Association, along with other community associations along the north portion of the line have written letters of support for building the line into north Calgary. Our Planning and Development Report next month will provide an update on what Council decides.

The Guidebook for Great Communities and the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan were to have gone to Council on April 27, 2020. These have now been deferred to a later date, which will be advertised when the date is known.

A recent Development Permit application shows the house and garage immediately adjacent to the Highland Mennonite Church being demolished and made into additional parking for the Church. The application is still under review. The file reference is DP2019-5973.

Concerning local land use change applications:

  • A proposed land use change from R-C2 to R-CG at 3404 3 Street NW. The R-CG land use allows for rowhouses in addition to single detached, semi-detached, and duplex with secondary suites. The actual building form is not known at this time, but a generalized site plan showed 2 units at front, 2 at rear and a 4-car garage off the alley. The file reference is LOC2020-0076, and comments are requested by June 29
  • Council will hear tomorrow an application for a land use change from R-C2 to M-CG for the parcel at 204 40 Ave NW. The applicant has stated their intention of constructing a 4-plex or rowhouse with Live/Work units. The file reference is LOC2019-0092.
  • Two land use change applications for 4219 Centre St NW and 4519 Centre St NW have both been stalled for over a year. The file references are LOC2018-0108 and LOC2019-0065.
  • Although not in Highland Park community, the property at 129 32 Ave NE has an application for a land use change to M-CG. The proposed change would allow for a maximum of 5 residential units. The file reference is LOC2020-0068.

There are several Development Permit applications currently Under Review. Comments are still being accepted on these by the city. They are:

  • 4012 Centre A St NW – proposal for a multi-unit residential building. File reference DP2019-6557.
  • 4018 Centre B St NW – demolition of a bungalow and expansion of the parking area for the Highland Mennonite Church. File reference DP2019-5973.
  • 3908 Centre St NE – additional dwelling units. File reference DP2020-2747.
  • 3827 Centre A St NE – new multi-unit residential building and garage. File reference DP2019-6061.
  • 4012 3 St NW – New semi-detached and garage. File reference DP2020-2972.

Status information about any Development Permit or Land Use Change application can be found on the City’s Planning and Development map at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/#map. Just zoom in and click on the property you wish to examine in greater detail. Details about the application and contact information for the file manager will become available to view.