Highland Park’s November Planning & Development Report


by D. Jeanne Kimber

Residents of Highland Park recently received a postcard from the City of Calgary regarding the North Hill Communities Local Growth Planning initiative. This project represents a new, multi-community way to local planning, and is intended to create a vision for how land can be used and redeveloped in our area. The final product will be a local area plan to share with the communities involved, and to ultimately present it to City Council for review and approval. The process is expected to take approximately one year. The first phase of the project is just underway, and the focus of this phase will be on raising awareness of and interest in the project, increase understanding of the scope, timelines and opportunities to participate, and to help increase understanding about why this is being done. You are encouraged to learn more about the North Hill Communities Local Growth Planning initiative. Stay connected by signing up for updates at www.calgary.ca/NorthHill.

Highland Park is seeing several development applications for multi-family buildings. These require a land use change from R-C2 to R-CG (Residential – Grade Oriented Infill). Examples of this type of development can be found in Mount Pleasant, Capitol Hill, or in Crescent Heights east of Centre Street. In general, R-CG allows for a multi-family residential building that may have secondary or backyard suites. However, at a combined meeting of Council on September 24, 2018, the land use bylaw dealing with the R-CG designation was amended, and a new land use designation was created. R-CGex is for a multifamily grade-oriented infill structure but does not allow any backyard or secondary suites.

Several recently approved development applications include:

  • A contextual semi-detached and garage at 144 42 Ave NW
  • At 304 32 Ave NE, the land use was redesignated to R-CG and a development permit for a 4-unit rowhouse
  • Two single detached houses on 34 Avenue NE near Edmonton Trail. The permits are pending release
  • A contextual semi-detached and garage at 4016 2 Street NW. The permit is pending release