Highland Park’s Planning and Development Report for April 2023

Highland cn

by D. Jeanne Kimber

The City has announced public information and feedback sessions concerning Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) work being planned for Centre Street North. One of these sessions will be held at the Highland Park Community Association Hall on April 26 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. You can obtain more information about this at https://www.calgary.ca/planning/projects/transit-north-central-brt.html. The drawing of the proposed changes at the intersection of 40 Avenue and Centre Street showed changes only to Centre Street. We therefore raised concerns about current and future traffic flow on 40 Avenue with the traffic planner.

A brand-new land use application for a change to H-GO, and a concurrent Development Permit application for the six properties at 204 to 224 40 Avenue NW has just been filed. Details about the applications have not yet been received (as of March 14).

The land use change application LOC2022-0112 for the property at 453 and 457 35 Avenue NW was approved by Council on March 7. The new H-GO land use allows for the development of multi-residential buildings on the site. The concurrent Development Permit (DP) proposal calls for three row-house buildings with suites and a large 11-car parking garage. The DP application is in its third version and is still pending decision as of March 14. We expect that it will be approved in the near future. With respect to the house at 457 35 Avenue NW, there was a fire in the building several weeks ago. We have asked the developer for a timeline on when to expect that the burned building will be demolished.

DP2022-08058 for a rowhouse at 3424 Centre B St NW was approved on February 22, 2023. The developer revised their original development proposal which we believe will help protect the privacy of neighbouring properties to the south, as well as make the waste and recycling facilities more convenient for future residents of the rowhouse.

DP2022-07590 for a rowhouse without suites at 404 33 Ave NW was approved on February 27, 2023. Anyone who wishes to appeal the approval to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board had until March 23 to file their appeal. More information about the appeal process and cost can be found at https://www.calgarysdab.ca/home.html.

The following DP applications are still under review:

A recent DP application is for a 2-storey 6-plex to be built at 3520 Centre Street NE. The plans show two units to be developed on each floor and in the basement, with each unit containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living, and kitchen areas. We have raised concerns about the provision of waste and recycling facilities for these six units. We also noted a lack of secure alternate mobility storage which residents without cars would require. Comments can be submitted through the development map. The file reference for this development permit application is DP2023-00451.

DP2023-00165 for a semi-detached with basement suites at 224 34 Avenue NE.

A new planning communication/information tool has been implemented by the City. It can be found at www.calgary.ca/planningmatters. The website provides access to online notifications of public hearings, links to Council agenda, and links to information on how to submit letters or speak at Council. You can also sign up for email delivery of planning news items.

As always, we encourage Highland Park residents to keep informed of redevelopment activities in the community through the use of the City’s development map.

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