Hillhurst Sunnyside’s Planning and Development Report for March

HillhurstSunnyside cn

Hillhurst Sunnyside has seen a huge facelift in the last 12 years – from the demolition and rebuild of older, century- and smaller homes, to the larger condos and apartments on the busier streets of the community. To many of us in the community, change is constant.

Residents can keep informed, and chat with fellow neighbours and the HSCA Community Planning about what’s happening in our neighbourhood at https://hsca-community-planning.mn.co. Join for free on the website or using the Mighty Networks mobile app.

Go behind the scenes and get involved with your community association! The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) is always looking for volunteers to bolster our diverse team. We will meet virtually on the second Thursday of the month, starting on March 11, 2021 on the MS Teams app. All residents, guests, and students are welcome! Watch Mighty Networks or email Lisa Chong at [email protected] for a meeting link, or to request details.

Former CBC Site | 1724 Westmount Boulevard NW

For the last few years, SW Hillhurst residents have been involved in the review of the proposed development on the site of the former CBC/Radio-Canada building, fronting Memorial Drive. You can find more information about the development application by searching DP2018-2660 on Mighty Networks.

As requested by community members, Anthem and HSCA would like to host a virtual session with invitations to the City. This meeting will focus on transportation and will happen sometime in the next few weeks. Please email [email protected] if you would like an invite.

Riley Communities Local Area Plan

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), which serves as the blueprint that governs the height/density (and to some extent, the design) of new buildings, will be going through a major change to align with current City of Calgary policy. Our communities of Hillhurst, Sunnyside, West Hillhurst, and Briar Hill-Hounsfield Heights will be going through the process of developing a Local Area Plan for the entire area soon.

Check out https://engage.calgary.ca/Riley for details. The City will be starting the process of recruiting volunteers from each community to join a future working group – the commitment will likely include monthly e-meetings focusing on specific discussion topics for approximately one year.

City of Calgary | Guidebook for Great Communities

The Guidebook for Great Communities is a high level policy document that will implement the city-wide policy in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan, which has the end outcome for 50% population growth in the established communities and 50% population in new suburbs. The Guidebook will be going forward to City Council for decision on March 22, 2021.

The new Guidebook will only apply to communities that have gone through the Local Area Planning process. Citizens can read more at calgary.ca/guidebook to read about how the Guidebook will impact our communities.

Community Investment

Hillhurst Sunnyside will be seeing municipal investment into key areas of the community as a part of the City’s Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy project. EAGCS supports public realm improvements for existing communities that are seeing increased population growth.

Back in December 2019, HSCA compiled a list based on the 2009 ARP and solicited comments from community members via Mighty Networks. We are excited to report that some of these suggestions have been shortlisted by the City as priority investment areas. Stay tuned to HSCA media for future engagement opportunities from the City!

Residential Speed Limits

Calgary City Council has approved the reduction of speed limits on residential streets from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. Except for 5th Avenue between 14th and 10th Streets, this change is only applicable to the side streets, or streets without a centre line. Speeds on major roads like Memorial Drive, 14th, and 10th St, where signs are posted, will stay the same. The default unposted 40 km/h speed limit will be effective in Calgary starting on May 31, 2021.

Read more about this change at www.calgary.ca and search for “neighbourhood speed limits”. Connect or share your thoughts with Traffic Subcommittee Volunteers at [email protected].

Lisa Chong, Planning/Engagement/Volunteer Coordinator