Let’s Talk About Music – July

Montgomery cn

by Spike Richards

I am writing this mid-June. Remember that cold, windy, rainy chunk of time when you/I attempted to host a neighbourhood yard sale? Brrrr. So, me being me, I am naturally dreaming about sunny, warm, music filled festival days to come this summer.

If this is mid-July when you are reading, there are still dozens of choices of live music focused gatherings. If you want to volunteer, but don’t know where to begin, please do reach out, get in touch, as I might be able to assist ([email protected]).

And if you don’t want to “work” for your ticket, tunes and hugs, then do get out and fully experience the festival offerings around our ‘hood!

Get your ticket(s) and if you can, budget for a CD, a t-shirt, a glass or two of vino or local craft ale, and some YYC food fare. Make it a special, memorable, picnic in the park kind of day.

See you out there!

Upcoming MCA Music Events

All are smurf-friendly, with wine; woo-hoo! Please bring your neighbours and friends and come by the MCA hall… your hall.

• Sunday, July 23 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm: Open Drum Circle and ScruffyFish. Bring a djembe if you have one, and/or expect to dance.

• Saturday, September 16 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm: Tim Williams celebrating Mexican Independence D’Eh.

• Friday, October 28 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm: Halloween Howl. Costumes and karaoke with Michael Shepherd.

• Friday, November 24 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm: Sing along with McCool and the Fools and somebody called Carol.

Drum Circle at MCA Hall!

On Sunday, July 23, the MCA events team is happy to be working with you to make our first community circle a fun-filled day, and a success by all standards. Please do join us!

Do you have a drum? Djembe, Conga, etc? Please bring it. If you have extras, maybe bring one or two, too.

Do you not have a drum? Not a concern, we have a drum for you to use. We are asking for a $5 MCA donation for the use of it, and in exchange, we will have the experienced folks from One World Drumming teach us some simple and fun rhythms that we can play together.

Never been to a drum circle? Well, that’s excellent, because this one is going to be the best introduction, and then you can’t use the “never been” thing as an excuse when you see other circles come up. Devious and causing you to have future fun, too, aren’t we?

We are hoping to host the circle in the field out back of the MCA hall, but we can move inside if the thunder tries to out-drum us.

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