Your Productivity Guru – September

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Possip and Other Feedback

by Karl Plesz

Gossip is bad; possip (positive gossip) is great. This is a term coined by Michael Kerr and I love it. When you hear positive feedback about a team member, let them know about it right away.

It’s yet another example of the recognition that is needed in a workplace. Everyone feels better when we show appreciation for their efforts. I’m a big believer in acknowledging good things in front of the team, but there are folks who can’t stand the embarrassment surrounding public kudos. You can give them subtle thank-you messages instead, in fact, this is perfect for everyone who deserves it.

For key people on your team, collect tidbits of information that you hear about them for future inspiration. For example, if you hear about a snack they love, imagine how they would feel if that snack magically appeared on their desk one day with a note. You could ask your favourite AI we site to create a poem about them and their job (AI can do that). Even a thank-you sticky note on the team’s bulletin board is a nice gesture.

Be creative and think about how you can make your reward different enough that it actually stands out as a part of your culture. Some startups and businesses have portraits painted of staff members who have achieved a certain number of years, letting the staff have fun with how they are depicted. Others bring in caricaturists.

Whether you take your staff out to lunch in groups (large or small) or individually to talk about how the job is going, it gets them out of the workplace and shows them that they have your ear. Sometimes talking about ideas for work is easier when you’re not sitting in the boss’s office, but across the table over a shake, burger, and fries. I’ve even seen companies rent BBQ gear and have a cookout at lunch with picnic tables.

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