Mount Pleasant: 4-H Alberta Launches First 6-Week Intro Club in Calgary


Written by Lori Nielsen- Senior Program Coordinator for 4-H Intro Clubs

4-H Alberta has launched a new initiative called 4-H Intro Clubs, which brings six-week programming to youth in the city. The flagship club, explore 4-H, recently concluded its successful run on November 15. Throughout the six-week program, members were exposed to many enriching experiences. These activities included making healthy snacks and smoothies, exploring AI and 3D printing, and creating natural bath and body products. The club had a visit from a live hawk and members used their critical thinking skills to explore engineering with LEGO. Alongside these hands-on learning opportunities, members developed their leadership, record-keeping, and communication skills, ensuring well-rounded skill development. To culminate the program, members organized a delightful chocolate party for their families, celebrating their achievements and the bonds they had formed.

Youth programs, such as 4-H, help develop positive well-being in young people. The 4-H Intro Club initiative is a great way for young people to develop important life skills and make new friends without a huge time commitment. This innovative program offers a refreshing alternative to year-long commitments, making it highly accessible for families with busy schedules. 4-H Intro Clubs will continue to be offered in various locations throughout the city until July, with an upcoming sports-based club at Genesis Centre after school on Mondays and a Baking Club in the Brentwood area on Wednesday evenings starting the week of January 15. Registration for these clubs closes on January 5, and more information can be obtained by contacting [email protected].

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