Mount Pleasant: Board Report


Unless there is an urgent issue, the MPCA board does not meet during the summer. We hope that you are enjoying your summer activities. Thanks to our grants coordinator, Johanna Plant Donnelly, and our outdoor pool director, Caron Gerlitz, we succeeded in obtaining a Canada Summer Jobs grant for staff at the pool this summer. This grant covers six positions with a total value of $25,200.

At the Sportsplex, the pickleball and badminton courts are in operation and available. Please reserve a place on our website. We do have pickleball paddles and balls available at the facility for those interested in giving this activity a try.

We are pleased to announce that the Pleasant Heights After School program (“PHAS”) has signed a renewal of its sublease at the community hall. PHAS has been a good subtenant for many years. We continue to study renovation and expansion plans for the hall. We hope to expand the hall to the north, creating a new entrance and new washroom facilities. We are considering a multi-level plan, which would likely require us to install an elevator.

My wife and I attended the official opening of the Pump Track at West Confederation Park on May 13. This facility is not located in MPCA (it is just west of 19 Street), but it is easily accessible on the Confederation Park pathway system and should prove to be a fun addition to outdoor opportunities. While we did not try our cycling skills on opening day, we were impressed by the abilities shown by Harvey the Hound and Flames alumnus Robyn Regehr.

Philip E. Carr

Past President – MPCA

Cell: 403- 467-0351

Email: [email protected]

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