Mount Pleasant Board Report – June 2023


We are pleased to announce that Estelle Ducatel has been appointed as our Planning and Development Director. We appreciate Estelle’s willingness to serve in this challenging portfolio. Estelle has served as a member of the Planning and Development Committee and is passionate about this topic. As this was a Board appointment, this position will be up for election at the Annual General Meeting in October.

We continue our work on possible large-scale renovations for the hall. In the interim, we are performing the required maintenance. We removed the decaying exterior stairs (thank you, Murray Anderson, Hall Director). Another recent project is the replacement of ceiling tiles in the lower hall at a cost of approximately $2,500.

At our April meeting, we had a presentation from Darrel Wernham, founder of the “Gift of Music” program. This program provides guitars and guitar lessons for students (ages nine and up) who otherwise would not be able to afford them. We will be working with Darrel to make space available for this program to operate at the hall in the fall.

We are grateful that Michelle Gole has again volunteered to coordinate the MPCA Casino. AGLC has informed us that our casino will be in the second quarter of 2024. We require a large number of volunteers to fill the positions at the casino, so please consider assisting.

We are looking forward to the upcoming “Neighbour Day” events at the park on June 17; this is also the opening day for our outdoor pool. We were successful in our application for funding from the Canada Summer Jobs Program to assist us in hiring staff at the pool. Thanks to Johanna Plant Donnelly (Grants Coordinator) and Caron Gerlitz (Pool Director) for their work in achieving this.

Philip E. Carr

Past President – MPCA

403-467-0351 | [email protected]

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