Mount Pleasant’s Board Report for June

MountPleasant mb

We planned to have our April board meeting in person, but Calgary’s winter decided that what we really needed was another blast of wet, heavy snow. There were no objections when we transitioned to Zoom once more.

At the meeting, we voted to keep the Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative Inc. (MBAC) in charge of the Architectural Feasibility Study for our proposed new community hall. We are grateful to our Hall Redevelopment Committee for the hard work of obtaining and reviewing proposals from architectural firms.

The Board also voted to renew our contract with Benchmark Projects Ltd. to continue to manage the Sportsplex for us. Benchmark has experience working with facilities in numerous communities, including years of assisting COSPA with the annual opening and closing of outdoor pools.

Speaking of the outdoor pool, we are excited that the Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool will be opening this month. We are continuing the practice that we started last year of having you book your time slot at the pool in advance. This practice maximizes the opportunity for all to enjoy a swim on hot summer days; we hope for many of those!

We are pleased to announce that Alberta’s Corporate Registry has now accepted and filed the amendments to our Bylaws which were approved at last year’s Annual General Meeting. Our thanks go to our secretary, Darren Rempel, for his diligence and persistence in dealing with corporate registry.

Finally, we make brief mention of two projects planned by the City of Calgary. The first is the redevelopment of the community garden and green space at the North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre. The second is a bicycle pump track which will be built in West Confederation Park, just west of 19 Street. While this is not located in Mount Pleasant, it might be of interest to some of our cyclists.

Philip E. Carr

Past President, MPCA

403- 467-0351 | [email protected]