Mount Pleasant’s Board Report for May


This month, we are providing an update on our three facilities: the hall, Sportsplex, and outdoor pool.

At the hall, we are performing essential maintenance and repairs as we explore options to renovate and expand the building. We removed the exterior stairs that were located at the northwest corner of the hall in front of the mural. We were concerned that they were becoming unsafe. The City’s health department has informed us that we need to remove the T-bar ceiling in the lower hall. At the March board meeting, we approved the retainer of Altus Group to provide us with renovation cost consulting services for the items on our “wants and needs list” to assist us in moving forward.

At the Sportsplex, the ice was removed at the end of March after another successful season. Our rental ice resurfacing machine was needed for most of the month due to delays in obtaining a repair technician for our Zamboni. We expect to have another busy season on the ice in the fall, as Hockey Calgary has announced that a number of Simons Valley players will be moved into McKnight Hockey, which is our local group. We anticipate a busy summer season with rentals by RHL Ball Hockey, as well as our implementation of pickleball and badminton.

For the outdoor pool, the Annual General Meeting of COSPA (Calgary Outdoor Swimming Pools Association) took place over video on March 22. The MPCA was well-represented by three participants. The COSPA board announced that an improved online booking system will be implemented this season. This will be a relief to all of us who have had to complete a lengthy form for every swimmer in a party. We expect the pool to open in mid-June.

Philip E. Carr

Past President, MPCA

Cell: 403-467-0351

Email: [email protected]

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