Sage Hill’s January President’s Message


I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, here’s to health, prosperity, and growth in 2022.

In December, we opened our ice rink after many hours contributed from our volunteers. Thank you to everyone who came out to shovel snow, set up and take down equipment, or with water applications. Our community is in debt to each one of you for donating your time, expertise, and help.

There’s been some changes on the board over the Christmas holidays as Anh Lien has transitioned into the Treasurer’s role and Beverly Sherban joined the Board. Anh is a Chartered Professional Accountant and Beverly is a small business owner and will be helping on the community garden project. We still have vacancies on the board and if anybody has free time and a passion for the community, please consider putting your name forward. The purpose of our board is to unite the community through sports, events, and social programs, but we also work at an arms length from land developers and our elected officials. When issues arise in the community, we are able to directly contact many stakeholders and advocate on behalf of our residents.

I look forward to seeing everyone from 3:00 to 6:00 pm on January 15 at the rink for an afternoon of skating, food trucks, and winter games. We will also be unveiling our new solar rink lighting.

Our next board meeting is Tuesday, January 11, 2022 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Teams and are open to all members.