North Haven Community Garden – March

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The North Haven Community Garden is ready for the spring growing season and registration for plots opened in February.

The Community Garden Committee and the NHCA Board of Directors have been working towards this milestone for a couple of years, and the completion of the garden in October 2022 was a great accomplishment. The NHCA received funds from the Provincial Community Facility Enhancement Program and the Federal Canada Community Revitalization Fund ($30,000) to help with materials and construction of the garden, as well as the new shed. Big thanks to local North Haven business, Ashbrooke Landscape Ltd for making sure that the NHCA vision for the garden was realized, and for ensuring that the garden will have a long life. The construction contract for the new shed was awarded to SIS Ltd. Additionally, the NHCA successfully won the Toole Peet Action Grant in 2022 to help purchase fencing, tools, and tool storage for the garden.

Our Community Garden Committee has been working hard at getting the logistics and management of the garden developed and ready for registration. If you want more information on the garden plots, or would like to apply for a plot, please visit

Plots are limited, and will be first come first serve, but don’t worry, we are working towards Phase two planning!

The North Haven Elementary School is continuing their fundraising for phase two of the Learning Grounds. The addition of both the Learning Grounds, and our Community Garden provides our community with two new activated spaces for our community members to enjoy. The North Haven Parent Council is selling packages of Eyelash Grass seeds to raise funds for phase two. They are $5 per package and funds raised will go towards phase two of the Learning Grounds. To buy some, please check out the Community Garden page at