North Haven’s Entertainment Update for May

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It’s been great seeing everyone outside in the wonderful spring weather lately. We’re excited to have more fun events coming soon in the community!

Parade of Garage Sales

May 13, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Join the Parade of Garage and Yard Sales in the community on Saturday, May 13! If you’re having a sale, register your address on the website starting May 1: Registration is $5 for NHCA members, $7 for non-members, and we will put your location on a map of garage sales and put up signage around the community.

Want to shop instead? Cruise the neighbourhood on the 13 and check out all the garage sales, all in one day!

Spring Bike Haven

May 27, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

We’ve heard how much you love Bike Haven, so we’re adding a spring version! We’ll have the chalk course for little riders and striders, and ramps and obstacles for the more adventurous crowd. Register ahead online. It’s free for NHCA members, $2/rider for non-members.

Seniors and Teens Board Game Afternoon

May 28, 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Calling all North Haven seniors and teens! You are invited to join us for a Seniors and Teens Board Games Afternoon. Come play a variety of board and card games, enjoy some delicious snacks, and engage in great conversation. Teens must be in grades 7 to 12; seniors of all ages are welcome.

Join us in the main hall at the community centre, no registration required. For more information, please contact Jody at 403-815-0063 or [email protected].

Farm Stand

Wednesdays, 3:30 to 6:00 pm (Beginning May 31)

We are excited to welcome back Lil Green Urban Farm with increased offerings this year. Find them at the hall parking lot each Wednesday from 3:30 to 6:00 pm throughout the summer.

Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events:

• Stampede Pancake Breakfast – June 24

• Food Trucks – June 28

Theresa Constantin

Entertainment Director

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