North Haven’s Snow Shoveling Program November Update

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We’ve had some great weather, but snow is coming!

The North Haven Community Association is once again organizing five months of snow shoveling from November 1 to March 31. The program matches local kids with North Haven customers who would like to have a snow shoveling service at reasonable rates and provides many kids with their first employment opportunity. Customers can sign up for the full five months, or for as little as a weekend.

The program will be similar to past years. The areas to be shoveled are assessed on an individual basis, with rates starting as low as $70+ GST per month for a basic package (city sidewalk and path to house, with no steps or corner lot). There will be no increase in rates this year, however we are now required to charge GST, so customers will see a small increase. All fees (except GST) collected go directly to the shoveler. The paperless contracts worked well last year, so we will continue that again for 2021-22. A reminder that both customers and shovelers must be residents of North Haven and have a valid community membership.

Email [email protected] or phone 403-282-6537 if you are interested in participating as a customer or shoveler.

Gretchen Greer