Parkdale’s October President’s Message


Hello Neighbours!

Happy fall! I hope the back-to-school season went well and that everyone is healthy and safe.

The Municipal Election is scheduled for Monday, October 18. I encourage everyone to get out and vote. We will have a new Councillor for Ward 7 and new Mayor, not to mention new School Trustees. More information can be found at Elections matter and results have a direct impact on our community.

Reflecting on August and September, we held some great events for our community thanks to the PCA Events Team. In August, families had fun at the Parkdale Party in the Park, the Parkdale Garden Tour encouraged residents to walk the neighbourhood and check out the beautiful gardens in the community, and finally another successful Parkdale PetFest was held for our furry friends in September.

Construction continues the Parkdale Hub. As mentioned, we received a Municipal Stimulus Grant for $1.1 million to support the Parkdale Hub. We are looking forward to a grand opening in the new year. In the meantime, thank you for your patience as construction continues until the end of December. Please note that this is an active construction site – please keep out of the fenced area.

We are always looking for volunteers and residents to get involved in our events, programs, and initiatives. If you are interested in helping out in a small or big way, contact our Volunteer Engagement Director at [email protected].

As always, welcome your feedback – don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Happy October!

Amanda Affonso