PCA Membership

Parkdale cn

Hello Parkdale,

A new year is a time for renewal: dusting off and renewing your resolutions from 2023 (how successful were you in completing them); renewing your resolution to exercise more and eat healthy; and perhaps, renewing your commitment to become more engaged with your neighbours and community. After all, knowing your neighbours and being an active participant in your community makes for a safer, more desirable, and fun community—a community that you can be proud of. And that is what the Parkdale Community Association (PCA) is striving for. You can do your part by joining the PCA for the first time or renewing your annual membership.

Your PCA membership helps to bring you programs and events such as the accessible rink and hub, youth soccer program, community garden, Family Day celebration, Stampede Breakfast, voting at the PCA’s the annual general meeting, and so much more. 2023 PCA memberships expired on January 31, 2024; unless you renewed or became a member in November or December of 2023 (those will expire on January 31, 2025) you will need to get a 2024 membership. The PCA membership year is from February 1 to January 31.

The annual family membership is $31.50. Individuals pay $21.00 per year, and seniors (ages 65 and older) just $5.25 per senior. The annual membership for businesses and organizations is $52.50 per year.

Joining the PCA or renewing your membership is quick and easy. For more information and purchase a PCA membership, please visit www.parkdaleyyc.com/membership. As always, remember to let us know how you would like to volunteer with the PCA, your community association.

See you around Parkdale!

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