Ranchland’s June President’s Message


Hi Ranchlands Residents,

How is it June?! Where did the spring go?!

But honestly, I know many of our neighbours are still struggling with the ongoing health crisis and the direct impact it has had on our personal lives and the economy. While the country seems to slowly be reopening, we know there is a long road ahead. But I have said it before, and will say it again, we are in this together.

I continue to see the beauty in Ranchlands and its people. This is shown in the care you are taking to clean up parks, the offers we receive to help our neighbours, and the social distancing I have personally seen when out walking my dog. Thank you for all that you have been doing.

At this time, the community center is still physically closed, and we don’t have any idea of when we will be permitted to reopen. We continue to provide the most updated information we have and other resources on our Facebook Page, and encourage you to follow us there. In addition to that, if you need support in some other way, just let us know. We will try to do our best to help or direct you to someone who can. If you can offer that support, please join our Ranchlands Volunteer Facebook Group.

We are also excited to announce that we will be offering a couple of Socially Distant Events in the coming weeks and cannot wait to share more information with you. This information will be aired on Facebook and, of course, the numbers will be limited but we are doing all that we can to offer these events to as many people as possible.

That is all for now, I highly encourage you to try to see the beauty around you in this time and reach out if you need help. We are in this together.

Stay safe, stay well, and socially distance.

CJ Kinsella
