Ranchlands: St. Rita School Update for April


Here at St. Rita, we are in the midst of celebrating the Easter season. Over the past month, staff and students have observed Lent by focusing on acts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, all the while preparing our hearts for Easter. In early March, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes specially prepared for us by the Knights of Columbus. For our Lenten Service Project, the St. Rita community collected items to create “Birthday Bags” for the Calgary Food Bank. The contents of these birthday bags allow children to have the full experience of a birthday party with their loved ones! This was a meaningful experience for our students at St. Rita!

Grades one and two students took a field trip to Fort Calgary while grades three to six students had the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons at Sir Winston Churchill Pool. We finished March with Student Led Conferences, which allowed students the opportunity to showcase their learning, with special emphasis on how they were able to connect their learning to nature. As we move forward into spring, we are excited for the learning opportunities that our forest will provide. St. Rita School is welcoming spring with open arms!