Rosemont’s December Message from the President

Presidents Message Rosemont

I can’t believe December is here already. Between hockey, work, kids, and life in general, where the heck did the fall go? We had a great turnout at our Annual General Meeting, and I thank everyone for coming out. I appreciated everyone’s input and the open discussions were informative and interesting. A thanks to Sean Chu, Craig Coolahan, and Aaron Taylor for giving us all a summary of what’s happening in government around us. There was an interesting presentation from the school as they embark on a major project to upgrade the landscape surrounding the school. There was a presentation on the potential for putting solar panels on the roof of the Hall. There was a discussion regarding activity near the site of the old Gulf Canada Gas station at 14th and Rosehill Drive. Our new police liaison, Michelle Jansen, reported that there were a couple of incidents in the community that warranted police attention, but overall, Rosemont continues to be a very safe place to live over the past year. And as always, a giant thankyou to all the returning Board members. Without these dedicated folks, all the wonderful things that make Rosemont such a great place just wouldn’t happen.

We have had a bit of a slow start in getting our fantastic ROSEMONT OUTDOOR RINKS. Kurt and Company took advantage of light snow and cold in mid-November to get things rolling, but Mother Nature has been making life difficult for the lads. We are hoping for ice by the first week in December. Anyone interested in helping out are more than welcome to join us down to the Rinks any Monday or Thursday nights after 8pm to help out. You can keep up with the antics of the now Famous Rosemont Ice Guys at their blog at:

Great things start small and build. This year, we informally invited residents of Rosemont to put a small Christmas ornament on the ROSEMONT TREE, which is not an evergreen tree located between 14th and 10th streets in Confederation Park. The thought was to bring your family or friends down, find the tree and put up an ornament in that represents your family or in memory of someone. We’ll be doing this again this winter after Remembrance Day. Look for the tree around the duck pond.

Thanks to Ian Kirkland and his solid band of volunteers, Rosemont received an outstanding $69,000 from our casino. This money will be used to pursue an assortment of projects to keep the Hall and Community in good shape. Thanks to everyone who volunteered.

Come One! Come All!

To the Rosemont Hall

For A Christmas Tea!

Come down have a goodie and wish your neighbour Happy Holidays

Friday December 14 at the Rosemont Hall

10:00 – 12:00 AM

If you have questions call Jean at 403 305-9447.

Hope to see you there!

Jean Blackstock is organizing a Christmas tea, and she’s opening it up to all Rosemont residents, old and new, young and old. Come on down and enjoy some neighbourly hospitality. Bring a little goodie to share if you can.

And another feature of the great Rosemont Ice will be Shinny Hockey. The action starts January 8 to the end of March or until there is no more Ice. The sessions will run from 5:30-6:30 Tuesday nights at the almost famous Rosemont Community Association. It will be for ages 6-12. The cost will be $30.00/player. Everyone is welcome regardless of financial status.

Players of any age and ability are welcome. We’ll have our great coaches to help improve your skill level and have fun. Call Jean Blackstock 403-284-9825.

Our next major social event will be our Rosemont Family Valentine Day’s Party, Saturday February 9. The Day will start around 5 pm with a shinney hockey followed by a family dinner and activities for the kids. For $5 per person, we will be cooking up a giant batch of spaghetti, salads and bread. We’ll have some music and games. We’ll have magic and dancing with Christopher Cool again. The rink and toboggan hills will be all open for those wishing to venture outside. Come on out and celebrate Valentine’s Day with your friends and neighbours.