Rosemont’s President’s Message


I hope everyone is doing okay in these crazy times. My heart goes out to all the parents who are balancing school kids and the homework pressures. With all of our activities moving indoors due to the end of our beautiful autumn, everyone has to remain vigilant in helping to prevent the spread of this horrible virus. Unfortunately, all of our Community events continue to be cancelled, except for the upcoming Rosemont Annual General Meeting on Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 pm.

This year’s format will obviously be different. We will be offering a mixture of in person and online formats. The Hall will be set up for physically distancing, with a minimum of 2 meters between folks. Masks will be mandatory. We will also be providing a simulcast using Zoom that folks can view from their homes. We will need people interested in the virtual meeting to please register in advance so please RSVP at I encourage everyone to please help us out on this event. We will keep the format and length short. All reports will be available a week before the meeting, on our Community website. We are looking to have reports from our MLA Jeremy Nixon, our City Councillor Sean Chu, and an introduction from our new Rosemont Principal Michelle Chastko. We’ll have a police report and various Community reports. Please plan on attending this very important event.

We really need a new secretary. This position takes up approximately 3 hours per month, mainly to record minutes from our monthly meetings, which usually last a couple of hours. We need this position filled to continue forward into the new year. Once again, if you could spare your community a few hours a month, please contact us at [email protected].

Remembrance Day marks the beginning of a new season of the best outdoor ice in Calgary. Kurt and his group of ice guys will start as soon as we get some snow in mid-November. Anyone interested in helping out can come down to the rinks Monday and Thursday nights around 7:00 pm. We start by making a frozen base, which usually requires going to the rink every night for the first couple of weeks until we get the good ice established. This is all weather dependent, but look for signs of life around the rinks and come out and help us make the best outdoor ice in Calgary! Also, another benefit of joining the Rosemont ice guys is that will be able to sample some of Matthew G’s special Ice Guy Pale Ale, made from Rosemont estate-grown hops (AKA his backyard); should be outstanding.

On some housekeeping news, our friends at the City are looking at helping us create a better pathway from the parking lot to the south side of the Hall. With the paving of the parking lot, any runoff from the lot flows west down the slope onto the skating rink. En route, it turns the main pathway to the south side of the Hall into a slushy, mucky mess. Hopefully, with a little help from our friends, we can fix this permanently in the spring.

Once again, the Executive from Rosemont would really appreciate your participation in this year’s AGM. And a reminder, we have made memberships for Rosemont residents free again this year. To get your membership, please visit