Sage Hill’s February Message from the President


Currently our board is planning for the 2021 year, and have a number of projects we hope to tackle:

First, is applying for a $5,000 grant to help prevent graffiti within our community, and if awarded, my initial thought is to purchase vinyl wraps for our trash cans in parks or invest in murals for the bridge structure along the West Nose Creek pathway (which has been vandalised a few times now) or the shed in our soccer field.

Second, is improvements on the rink to widen the berm, reduce the slope, and generally make it more stable and visually appealing. This includes grass seed to minimize erosion.

Third item is the feasibility of a cohort style community clean up in March/April and rescheduling our 2020 recycling drop event. In years past, we have partnered with London Drugs and neighbouring communities, where electronics and other difficult to dispose of items can be brought to a central location and placed in onsite bins for disposal.

Fourth item we hope to grow the “Parade of Garage Sales” and make the event the same day as our neighbours in Kincora, Sherwood, Nolan, and possibly Evanston in the Spring.

Fifth item, discussed at the January board meeting, was a status report on the crosswalk by Esso, spanning Symons Valley Road between Sage Meadow and Symons Gate. The City needs to improve concrete curbing and create a landing before signs and lines can be installed. Currently, the city is searching for finances in the Ward 2 roads budget, so we’re unsure if this will happen in 2021 or 2022.

We are continuously monitoring crime statistics in the community and sharing monthly numbers on our social media and website; Sage Hill did see a bit of a spike in crimes such as domestics, break and enters, and vehicle prowling, which is an unfortunate temporary by-product of the Christmas season. Here is the crime report link for you to view.

Our next board meetings are:

Tuesday, February 9 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Zoom

Tuesday, March 9, 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Zoom

Thank you,

Ross Utigard


Sage Hill Community Association