Sandstone-MacEwan’s October Letter from the President

Presidents Message Sandstone MacEwan

Thankfully the smoky skies dissipated on August 19th and Sandstock 2018 was our most successful event to date. The band Home by Midnight was well received, and the kids were entertained by the Vivo ambassadors, mini-golf and the bouncy house!

A very special thanks to the following sponsors: City of Calgary, Vivo, Councillor Sean Chu, MLA Karen McPherson and MP Michelle Rempel. Thanks to the volunteers, board members and in particular Trevor Bacon (Director of Sandstock). We look forward to seeing everyone at next year’s event.

The Mobile Skateboard Park was at our hockey rink for the first two weeks of September and was as popular as ever. If you or your kids played at the park, please send us some feedback on the experience.

For the second year, the SMCA board partnered with the Berkshire Citadel Church to provide backpacks and school supplies to over 100 kids in our community. Overall the church provided backpacks to 500 kids in the NW area of Calgary!

The Church also opened an emergency food bank this summer and assisted roughly 35 families from the community who accessed the food bank monthly. The SMCA board was happy to contribute funds towards this very important initiative.

If you have little ones aged 0-5 take the time to stop by the Play Café at the Berkshire Church on Sandarac Drive Tuesdays from 0930-1130 in the gymnasium. There are toys, snacks, crafts, etc. for the kids and coffee and snacks for the adults. It’s a great way to meet other parents in our communities.

Avenue Magazine conducted their ninth annual survey on Calgary’s best communities. The scores change pretty significantly year to year dependent on the responses of the participants. MacEwan Glen ranked 62nd: Restaurant points: 0; Recreation facility points: 30; Engagement score: 67.04; Walk Score: 29 and Transit Score: 38. Sandstone Valley ranked 121st: Restaurant points: 2; Recreation facility points: 18; Engagement score: 62.63; Walk Score: 35; Transit Score: 44. The SMCA board wanted to point this out for individuals to think about what they have in their respective community and to consider participating in the survey next year. I think we are fortunate to have three large parks, ball diamonds, soccer fields, tennis courts, several playgrounds, extensive walkways, two skating rinks and Nose Hill available to us. What do our communities have to offer you?

Please think about attending our Annual General Meeting October 18, 2018 at the Berkshire Citadel Church on Sandarac Drive and getting involved.

As usual, we will be looking for volunteers to assist with the hockey rink this year. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Check us out on Facebook, we have 699 likes! See us on Twitter @sandstonemac, the website at or contact us at [email protected]. You can also contact Carolyn Gomez, Director of memberships at [email protected].

Please go to our website and purchase your Sandstone MacEwan Community Association (SMCA) membership online.

Sue Coatham

President SMCA

[email protected]