Sandstone’s President’s Message for June

Happy Father’s Day!

The SMCA Board would like to say a fond farewell to Captains Amanda Peter Robinson who has been at the Berkshire Citadel Church for several years. We have been fortunate to partner for many initiatives to support those in need in our communities. Congratulations on your new adventure!

For those of you who took advantage of the community compost day on May 1, 2021, thank you for your patience as we shoveled 12 yards of compost into buckets and bins. The event started at 10:00 am, and many were lining up at 9:30 am. The compost was completed gone by 1:00 pm and we had several individuals continue to arrive. Once again, a sincere thanks to Wayne Watson for organizing, and Nick Bencsik from Big Man Landscaping who generously agreed to pick up and deliver the compost to our event. Thank you to the 224 scouts and Director Karen Lessard who had numerous indoor and outdoor plants.

Thanks to all who purchased memberships at the compost day, as well as many of you who are sending cheques or ordering your memberships online. Your funds will assist the SMCA Board in maintaining our rinks, equipment, and sheds, along with the several initiatives we offer every year.

We also want to send out a special thanks to the 44 Pathfinders from the Deerfoot Girl Guides who cleaned up the pathways through our community on April 20!

Brad Beckett is our volunteer of the month for June, and he has lived in Sandstone with his family since 2000. Brad has been the rink manager for the Pleasure Rink since 2015. Brad and Joe have been the stalwarts of the rink, and you will see them out late at night or early in the morning clearing and flooding the rink for the skaters. I have heard so many individuals comment about Brad’s commitment to the community rink, including the regular ringette senior skaters, and Brad consistently makes sure the rink is in great shape by the time they get there for their morning skate!

One-year memberships ($20) receive two SMCA beverage koozies and three-year memberships ($50) qualify for a SMCA to go mug.

We have received lots of email interest in the Community Garden Initiative and a survey will be sent out shortly through our social media accounts. The Garden Committee is tasked with developing plans and working with the SMCA Board and City of Calgary to secure a location in MacEwan. To ensure the success of this initiative, there is a significant amount of work to be done, including applying for grants, and I ask you to please consider volunteering with the Garden Committee. If there is sufficient community support and enough volunteers, we hope to have the project approved in time to get the garden beds built and ready for the 2022 growing season.

We have over 1,060 Facebook followers, 450 Twitter followers @sandstonemac, over 160 Instagram followers,, and 200 individuals signed up for email distribution! Do not forget to check out our website at

Sue Coatham, President, SMCA

Celebrating 35 years of SMCA

[email protected]