NWW Hockey Evaluations Begin September 5!

Triwood cn

Evaluations begin on September 5 with prep skates through the first week or two of September. Prep skates will be available for all divisions, except for Junior C.

If you still need to register, you can! Late fees were applied starting August 15, but registration is still open. You can register here: www.nwwarriorshockey.com/registration.

Registration for the NWW Player Development Program is also still open; space is limited. For more information, visit NWW Player Development Program – Northwest Warriors Hockey (nwwarriorshockey.com).

If you are interested in volunteering as an evaluator during the month of September, please reach out to our evaluations team at [email protected]. We are always looking for more qualified hockey people to help!

For more information on our Northwest Warrior program or our Northwest House League, please contact our administrator at [email protected].

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