A May Update On the Park Envisioning and Dry Pond for Tuxedo Park


The Park Envisioning and Dry Pond committee thanks everyone who took the time to respond to the survey. We’ve provided your feedback to the City and will continue to push for replacement of any park amenities that are removed during dry pond construction. Survey results are available on our website.

In brief summary here’s what we heard:

  • The park is primarily used for the playground, skating rink (during winter months) and to enjoy the trees and walking paths, and;
  • You want Tuxedo Park’s future to include (primarily) walking paths, fire pits, playgrounds, and community gardens.

Although numerous residents want Tuxedo Park’s future to include a dog park or off-leash area, the nature of the Dry Pond does not allow for this type of use.

The park will likely be unavailable through the second half of 2021 and into 2022. We understand this will impact our residents, and are pushing for expedited amenities replacement, as well as addressing access to other facilities during construction.

Construction update:

Much of the design testing work is now complete. We expect that the significant construction will begin sometime in summer. Other stormwater pipe installation will occur along 1st street NE.

A park that meets the needs of our community:

If you have concerns that you would like to express especially around the loss of the park space over summer, lack of accessibility to nearby facilities, or seeing the amenities return to the park, it’s important that you let our elected representatives know:

Construction issues should be communicated to 311 and general inquiries to The City of Calgary CDI project – General Inquiries: [email protected].

For more information and to keep up to date on this project please visit our social media channels and our website: https://www.tuxedoparkcommunity.ca/park-envisioning-and-dry-pond/.