West Hillhurst Go-Getters Association – August 2023

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If you are age 50 plus, the West Hillhurst Go-Getters Association is the place for you! Go-Getters’ memberships are available for purchase/renewal and cost $25 per person for our full membership year (September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024). Please be sure to fill out your yearly membership forms/surveys as they are required to purchase a Go-Getters membership.

For our membership, regular events for this month include games night, Canasta, Whist, Crib, and Euchre. We also have FitWalk, line dancing, and Gymmy classes. Bingo is held every Wednesday starting at 12:00 noon and you don’t have to be a member to join us for Bingo (you do have to be 18 or older though). Check out our website, call, or drop in to see dates, times, cost, and availability for all our programs.

Visit us online at www.gogetters.ca or call us at 403-283-3720. Drop in and visit us anytime, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

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