West Hillhurst Preschool News – April

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by Lisa Kelly

Happy spring everyone!

After spring break, we were all ready to get back to Preschool and see our friends! March was a busy month as we continued to work on our construction theme. We all had so much fun looking at famous structures around the world including ‘The Great Wall of China’ and the ‘Ancient Pyramids.’ When learning about bridges, we used stories like The Three Billy Goats Gruff for inspiration to build bridges that the goats could walk across safely. We looked at skyscrapers in different cities and then focused on Calgary, looking at what the skyline looks like in the evening. The children produced some beautiful pieces of artwork.

This month we also held our parent/teacher meetings to give parents updates on how their children were doing in class. The partnership between teacher and parents in their child’s development is so important, so these meetings are always an important event in the year. We also had parents ‘stay and play’ session in March. It’s the first time since COVID that parents have been back in the classroom, so it was lovely to see the children excited and able to show their parents the classroom and their work.

For more information, please visit our website at www.westhillhurstpreschool.com, and check out our Facebook page ‘West Hillhurst Community Preschool’ and Instagram page whcapreschool’ to see all the exciting and fun things we get up to!