West Hillhurst Preschool News for October

WestHillhurst cn

by Lisa Kelly

We have a lot to be thankful for this month! After the uncertainty of the past few months, it felt amazing to be back in the classroom with all our preschoolers, learning and playing together. Thanks to our incredible team of teachers, the children have spent the past month getting to know one another and settling into a routine of free-play, circle and story time, as well as daily art activities. As parents, we delight in the stories of their day and all that they are learning.

To aid in sharing resources, the teachers have planned a thematic approach to teaching, ensuring resources can be cleaned and shared between our cohorts. The children have been enjoying learning about themselves, colours and shapes, the farm and the ocean. We have also introduced a monthly social focus to our classes to support the children with their social, emotional and personal development. In September, we focused on listening, and in October, we will focus on following directions.

We would like to thank those of you who purchased apples through our recent Apple Fundraiser. We are deeply grateful to be a part of a community that is committed to supporting the enrichment of our local children.

For more information or to register in our limited available spots, please visit our website:

www.westhillhurstpreschool.com. Also, be sure to check out our Facebook page ‘West Hillhurst Community Preschool’ to see all the exciting and fun things we get up to!