West Hillhurst Preschool Update for May

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by Lisa Kelly

April was an extremely fun time in preschool…We had ducks! The children (and adults) were so excited when the duck eggs arrived, and we patiently waited every day for them to hatch! A few days later the excitement levels were through the roof! The eggs started to crack and just like that we had ducklings! Each class got to name their class duck and watch how they grew and changed over the weeks. We even taught them to swim! The ducks are now happily back at the farm enjoying a more peaceful lifestyle!

After spring break, we started our new topic: Animals! The children were excited to take on the role of a veterinarian and use our vet dramatic play area to look after and take care of the many animals we have! We even had a pet shop so the children could buy a new pet to look after! We also have a new writing/craft area in the classroom. The children love free writing, and it is lovely to see them use their imagination to produce their own work that they are so proud of!

April saw the return of our music teacher Ms. Elle. The children always enjoy her music lessons and all the exciting and fun instruments she brings along! May sees the return of soccer with Coach Steve! Always a highlight and a great end to the year!

For more information, please visit our website: www.westhillhurstpreschool.com, and check out our Facebook page ‘West Hillhurst Community Preschool’ and our Instagram page whcapreschool’ to see all the exciting and fun things we get up too!

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