WHCA Green Committee

WestHillhurst cn

Green Ponderings: Urban Canopy

Citywide, Calgary’s tree canopy sits just above eight percent. That is, 8.25 percent of the land across the city is covered by trees, their branches, and leaves. Edmonton measured its canopy at just over 13 percent in 2019. In other Canadian cities, the canopy is 20 or even 30 percent. We’re pretty lucky in West Hillhurst, to have some beautiful tree-lined streets. Our canopy is measured at 15.84%, but we would all benefit from more trees being planted in our yards and along our streets.

Nature Canada recently called on cities to boost their urban canopy to 30 percent.

The benefits of trees are profound and varied. Trees offer shade, cooling, and remove air pollution. They reduce the “heat island” effect of larger cities, reduce the effects of stormwater, help reduce noise pollution, and store carbon, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Not to mention the habitat and food they provide for wildlife, and positive impacts on well-being and mental health to humans.

The WHCA “75 trees for 75 years” project will give 75 neighbours an affordable “legacy tree” for their property to plant this September. See the WHCA website for details.

The Green Committee meets virtually each month and has a variety of projects focused on battling climate change and increasing sustainability in our neighbourhood. Join us! [email protected].

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