A March Message from the Acadia Community Garden and Art Society

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2nd Annual Garden & Art Tour

The Acadia Garden and Art Society is excited to announce that its second annual Garden & Art Tour will be held on Saturday, June 20. This year’s fundraising event will be a celebration of community, art and gardening. We would love for you to be involved!


We are big believers in “many hands make light work” and there are several volunteer opportunities with a minimal time commitment. You can hang posters, distribute signs, welcome tour participants to the garden, or collect signs at the end of the event. Connect with our volunteer coordinator Melissa at [email protected].

Sign Up as a Tour Host!

Do you have a unique garden or art feature? Do you want to share your love of gardening? Sign up to be a Garden & Art Tour host and open your yard to tour participants. Connect with our Garden & Art Tour committee at [email protected].

Buy a Ticket!

Celebrate spring by admiring the early blooms, cheering on the hard-working pollinators, and getting ideas for your own garden and art projects. Tickets will go on sale online in March with proceeds going towards the ongoing maintenance and operating costs of the community garden. Keep your eye on our website for ticket sales at www.growingacadia.ca.

Local businesses are also encouraged to connect with the Garden & Art Tour committee to discuss sponsorship opportunities. In the garden, we call that cross-pollination!

Further event details will be released in the coming months so until then, mark your calendar for June 20. We can’t wait to celebrate the beauty of spring with you!