Acadia’s April President’s Message


Hello Neighbours,

Spring is here, and I see so many people out getting fresh air and exercise. The board would love to hear from you about making the neighbourhood more enjoyable during these outdoor walks/runs. Would you be interested in a walking club? Would having different routes and their respective kilometres mapped out be something that encourages you to try new ways? Do you have an idea for a beautification project? COVID has given us a sightline on how vital getting outdoors can be for our mental health. There are some grants we could utilize to action ideas. If you have any thoughts, please let us know by emailing [email protected], or feel free to post on any of our social media. If you prefer, you also can send us a letter to 240 – 90 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB, T2J 6P6.

Up next, we had our very first Wine-O-Dino event at the end of March. The night was well enjoyed by all. It was a great example of how a fantastic group of volunteers can come together and make a list of random ideas work collaboratively. Special thanks to Phil and Paula Fulton, Lauren Hone, and Keith Simmons for their hard work. No worries if you missed it. Acadia’s very own inflatable dinosaur is sure to make appearances around the neighbourhood at many upcoming events.

If you all remember, last year around this time, we were just experiencing our first round of many restrictions. Our beloved spring cleanup was cancelled. If anyone is like me, there is a special place in my garage specifically for “stuff to get rid of at the spring clean-up”. Well, good news, it is looking very promising that this year we will be able to forge ahead and have our event. Mark your calendars, May 15 is the date this year. As usual, we will have many vendors recycling what we can, and trashing what can’t be salvaged any other way. My very favourite thing about the cleanup (other than Frankie’s muffins) is the free section. If you haven’t ever swung by, there is a grassy front lawn at the ARC where we offload people’s loved, but still usable, items. People are welcome to take what they want. This free little garage sale has become quite a popular spot and has yielded some pretty unique finds over the years. My partner always asks if I can limit my treasure to one item. I generously assume he means one item for each person in the family, right? My top treasure is a tie between a pair of wooden water skis, an old record table, and an amazing cobalt blue mug with a porcelain monkey in the middle (so to those who decided they didn’t need these items- know they are well loved in their new home!). We have started to collect names for volunteering on that day. If you’ve helped in the past, we would love to invite you back. If you haven’t ever volunteered and want to get involved, we’d love to have you (we’ve got all the snazzy safety gear you’ll need for the day). Please email [email protected], and we will be in touch.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge a significant anniversary. This year the Acadia Community Association celebrates its 60th year. By means of the traditional gift calendar, that means diamonds! Obviously, we don’t have the budget to pass out diamonds to all our neighbours (I know, I am just as disappointed). Still, I would like to praise the incredible, hard work of all those who have held board positions, volunteered, or even attended an event thrown by the community association since 1961. You all are the reason we are here and still committed to serving and living in the most outstanding community in Calgary. If you have any old pictures or stories from your time in Acadia, we sure would like to see/hear them.

As always, I encourage you to join our Facebook and Instagram page @AcadiaToday, to keep up to date with neat new initiatives. We would also love to hear from you. Send us your ideas of what you would like to see and do in our neighbourhood. How can you get a hold of us? It’s easy. Email us at [email protected].

Erika Topola,
