Acadia’s June Message from the Board

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Hello Fellow Acadians,

By way of introduction, my name is Trevor McKay, and since attending the September 2020 AGM to see if there was any way I could volunteer, I have been the ACA treasurer. I am a CPA by day as the Controller for Calgary Economic Development. I moved to Acadia in the fall of 2019 and have been so happy with my choice of new community. Outside of work you may find me teaching drumming to students at the Foothills Caledonia Youth Pipe Band which practices at the McDougall United Church here in Acadia, or walking the Fairmont-Southland-Acadia loop to get some steps in.

The Board recently thought it would be a good idea to write and let people know about the financial impacts on the community association as a result of COVID-19, which includes the Acadia Recreational Complex (“ARC”). The pandemic has certainly not been without its challenges to the ARC and the community events calendar, as restrictions seem to always be changing. This has had an impact on the ARC’s ability to host hockey teams, curling teams, squash players, and more. Although these impacts have affected the programming greatly, the ARC had a healthy balance sheet going into the pandemic and, because of the losses of revenue sources, has qualified for various grants and subsidies at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels of Government which has mitigated the effects of the restrictions in place.

As a light at the end of the tunnel begins to appear, we are optimistic that we will come out the other side of this pandemic still in healthy shape. The team at the ARC has taken this opportunity to focus on some planned capital projects and I know they look forward to seeing you all as soon as possible.

The community association (outside of ARC operations) also remains healthy from a financial standpoint, as the Board pivots their events calendar to come up with creative options until our traditional events can fully return.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or the Board, and I look forward to meeting and hearing from you soon.

Trevor McKay, CPA, CA

Treasurer, Acadia Community Association