Acadia’s October Message from the Board

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by Paula, ACA Communications Director

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s beloved character, Anne of Green Gables, said this to Marilla as she contemplated decorating her room with some gorgeous autumn boughs.  It is a beautiful season, our autumn, and one that is often associated with the ends of things, which can make it a melancholic and often dismal season. This quote of Anne’s, however, reminds us to appreciate its beauty without the anticipation of the season that follows, nor the dwelling on the one that has passed.  It is a good time to pile up leaves for jumping, or for backyard fire pit gatherings with neighbours.

Thank you for sharing your photos of our #beautifulAcadia for the World Photography Day contest. You will see the results of that photo challenge in this issue.

This pandemic has forced into a shared present moment awareness that we have not before seen in a collective sense. We can no longer plan too far ahead because we are now more aware than ever of life’s uncertainty. Shall we plan for trick-or-treaters this Halloween, for example? Time will tell, but as I write this, that is so far away from this moment that instead my concerns are focused on schools reopening and a deep appreciation for those educators doing their best to keep us all safe. Speaking of uncertainty, it is a funny feeling to be writing this at a time when your community association is preparing for a personnel change to our board, as I don’t yet know the results of that change. By press time, our Annual General Meeting will have already taken place, and by the time you read this, a new board will have been elected. I say, then, a hearty CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME to that new board. Thank you for giving your time to our wonderful community; we know it is precious and are grateful to have you join the team. Over the summer months, we had some new board members join us, and we continue to look at the development of new committees. Please know we welcome input from our neighbours (always) and invite anyone interested to consider joining a committee or the board. Thank you for reaching out and for keeping in touch with the ACA in the variety of ways that you do. We are here for you and wish you a most glorious October.