July Notes from Auburn Bay


It is hard to believe that we are almost done with the month of June. The reopening has been going well, and certain parts are happening faster than expected. We have shown how resilient we are, and it is taking getting used to the new reality of life and not just being able to access businesses like before. I only hope that there will be calls to work with travellers on planes and ships a bit more to try to restrict access if they are ill.

We tentatively have booked the park at 234 Auburn Bay Ave for August 29 to host a family fun day with games and possibly a BBQ, depending on AHS requirements. Thank you to the TD Parks People for making this happen. All details will be posted on our social media and website. So, if you haven’t done so already, please like and follow us on Facebook to receive notifications, and check out the new website, www.auburnbayca.ca, with our new and improved logo. We will follow up with realtor Jodi Brilling on her garage sale to see if she is rescheduling it.

The City of Calgary asked us for our list of traffic concerns. Based on what I have heard, the top three we noted were: speeding throughout the community, traffic concerns on the Sound Manor, and visible pedestrian crossing at the top of the hill, Sound Manor and Ave. Just a reminder that the Blvd and Ave are dual lanes (unfortunately, the city said they won’t paint the lanes in), with the right lane being a parking lane that you can drive in if no one is parked. I have been seeing many people driving in the middle of the road, especially in those sections that don’t have houses directly adjacent to them, or to randomly change lanes. The other issue people have been posting on social media, is that people have been turning the corners, especially at the lights and moving into the far lane. We are supposed to turn into the nearest lane and then complete a lane change when safe to do so.

I wanted to repeat the details of the free bike registry that allows people to register various equipment such as strollers, wheelchairs, skateboards, bike trailers, and personal mobility devices, just to name a few. If the equipment is stolen, they can help with returning it if you report it. Please check out their site, https://bikeindex.org/, for additional information and https://bikecalgary.org/theft/ has additional resources and tips.

Once again, we would like the community’s feedback on gardens. Would you be interested in seeing this developed in the community? Please fill in the following feedback form, https://forms.gle/Wq9EPt2m7Z5zQTAa6, or email us at [email protected], and we will add you to the list.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)